Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I had my second Bible study group tonight. A while back I had decided I needed to start a group in my home. Wasn't sure who was going to come or if anyone would for that matter but God has sure blessed our group. We are reading Sally Clarkson's book Dancing With My Father. It's a book about finding true joy in the midst of mothering. So far it has been so wonderful. Since our last meeting there are 2 new women who are joining us so that brings our total to 15 wonderful mom's. I am so thankful for this group of women. It's such a blessing to hear what's going on in their lives and hearts and to hear how God is working, changing, molding and shaping each of us in different ways. If you could use some encouragement in your walk as a mom, check out Sally Clarkson's books. She has written several books and each of them has touched me in a profound way. My heart as a mother has been changed and I am so thankful for what God has done in my life.

As I begin this blog, my hope is that you will be encouraged in some way. For so long I have hidden who I am, not allowing people to see the real me. Fear of not meeting expectations. Dealing with depression, anger and bitterness. The list goes on...

In the last several months I was convicted that I really needed to start sharing with others and giving them a glimpse into who I am and what I've been dealing with. Amazing things started happening. I saw that I wasn't alone. So many people are dealing with the same issues. Healing had begun. God is working and he is real.