Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Scents of Autumn

Autumn is my favorite time of year. I just love the smells and sights all around me. Here in Oregon, we've been having some wonderful weather. The leaves are turning beautiful colors. We've spotted several squirrels digging and storing in our yard and blue jays appear carrying nuts for the winter. The scents coming from the kitchen are some of the most wonderful smells in the house in the fall, warming us all up and bringing comfort to our little hearts. We've been enjoying sipping lots of tea and coffee and enjoying some good reads during snacks, lunch and in between times. We're thankful for the sunshine in these parts as sometimes the gray clouds and rain can be quite tiresome.

Time to take the pumpkin bread out of the oven and get ready for my mom's Bible study tonight. Enjoy this beautiful day that the Lord has made!