Monday, October 11, 2010

Roller Coaster Days

It's been one of those days.....ever have one? It started with a little girl who's not feelin so great and wound up in my bed at 5:30am. My dear hubby had a 7am meeting so I was flying solo. Sweet girl, Kaleah, never went back to sleep and neither did I with all of her coughing, sniffing and sneezing in my ear. After I finally dragged myself out of bed, I had to deal with another sweet child who wet her bed. Sascha is 3 1/2 and has not wet her bed in months. I was trying not to secretly get irritated with hubby since he was the one who suggested we skip taking her potty before we fell asleep. BIG MISTAKE! After I cleaned her and her bed all up, I heard shrieks coming from Jayden's room who said one of the cats pooped in his room on the carpet. So began the chasing of the cats to put them in the laundry room so I could clean up the mess! Four shrieking kids and 2 wild crazy cats on the loose....We were finally able to begin school at 8:50 am but I really wasn't wanting to do anything by this time except curl right back up in bed! My mind was not focused on my Bible reading either after all the craziness and the kids weren't wanting to settle down for school. They were all wound up and ready to run wild! We had our ups and downs all morning and finally I decided to make a trek to Costco and get the kids out of the house. How can you make a roast with no carrots, potatoes or onions? Small detail I overlooked when meal planning. OOPS! Kaleah has decided that for this year she doesn't want me to make her B-day cake. She wants to order one from Costco. I finally gave in and so we went to pick one out for Friday.

It was a crazy day but I am thankful to have a fresh start tomorrow! To top it all off, all the kids loved dinner and said it was delicious! Couldn't ask for a better end than that!